The Blokes Basket


Stuck for what to get the bloke in your life? Want to surprise him with a special delivery? They say the best way to a man heart is through his belly so, The Blokes Basket is the way to go, and have him blushing! A mixture of the basics, including; 2/4/or 6 beers, chips, lollies, chocolates, pretzels, nuts and pork crackle.

Some items may vary slightly, however we will make sure a similar make up of products is included. If you have something in particular you would like to add let us know in the notes section or give us a call. We will try our best to help customise your basket.

This number may be used by delivery drivers to ensure successful delivery of orders
Simply enter your gift card message text and we will include it with your arrangement.


Stuck for what to get the bloke in your life? Want to surprise him with a special delivery? They say the best way to a man heart is through his belly so, The Blokes Basket is the way to go, and have him blushing! A mixture of the basics, including; 2/4/or 6 beers, chips, lollies, chocolates, pretzels, nuts and pork crackle.

Some items may vary slightly, however we will make sure a similar make up of products is included. If you have something in particular you would like to add let us know in the notes section or give us a call. We will try our best to help customise your basket.

Additional information


2, 4, 6

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