100 Red Rose Dream
$1,000.00100 gorgeous long stem red rose bouquet, especially created for your significant other. This bouquet is guaranteed to impress. -
Two Dozen Rose Vase
$265.0024 of the most stunning 60cm long stem red roses in beautiful glass vase, with stunning tropical leaves. -
White Wonderland
$140.00Simply White, stun with these gorgeous blooms made of 6 long stem 60 cm roses, oriental lilies and chrysanthemums made up in a stunning tall glass vase. Add water to your flowers to maintain the freshness and quality of your flowers. Check water daily to ensure longevity and top up when required. Place in a cool area, out of direct sunlight. -
Loving You
$20.00 – $230.00Let love be simple with these gorgeous dozen red roses! Simple hand tied with wrapping and valentines card. -
Kisses For You
$150.00 – $260.00A modern romantic mix of pinks. Long stem simple roses, glitter roses, mum chrysanthemums and bright preserved Strilingia. -
Blushing Love
$65.00A gorgeous mixture of 12 carefully selected pink, white and red short stem roses. This boxed arrangement will have your significant other falling in love with this romantic mix. -
*SOLD OUT* Eternal Love
$120.008 everlasting preserved rose heads in a keepsake wooden heart box. No water needed, these beauties will last a lifetime, just like your love. -
Lilies – Tiger/Asiatic
$20.005 stems of gorgeous Tiger/Asiatic Lilies. Fragrance free for those who enjoy the sight of lilies, but don't enjoy the smell. Lilies are long lasting and are available all year round. Lilies will come closed for maximum longevity and enjoyment of freshness. Flowers are subject to seasonal availability. In the event that any of the flowers are unavailable, the florist will substitute with a similar flower in the same shape, style and colour. Stem count, packaging and container may vary. -
Oriental Lilies
$38.00 – $45.005 stems of Stunning and Fragrant Oriental Lilies. Lilies will come closed for maximum longevity and enjoyment of freshness. Flowers are subject to seasonal availability. In the event that any of the flowers are unavailable, the florist will substitute with a similar flower in the same shape, style and colour. Stem count, packaging and container may vary. -
Roses – Short Stem
$25.0010 beautiful short stem roses. The perfect little treat that will wow, your special someone. Flowers are subject to seasonal availability. In the event that any of the flowers are unavailable, the florist will substitute with a similar flower in the same shape, style and colour. Stem count, packaging and container may vary. -
Short Stem Beauty
$85.0030 stems of beautiful Roses, to Woo your significant other. Go with our romantic colour sample or choose your own. This bouquet is made exactly to your liking. -
Party Posie
$75.00Start the Party with these bright blooms to make anyone smile. Roses, Stocks, Button Daisy with complimenting greenery. -
Romancing You
$120.001 Dozen long stem red roses with perfect greenery. Stunning bouquet to woo your loved one. -
Simple Hand Tied Dozen Bunch
$120.00<p>Let love be simple with these gorgeous dozen red roses! Simple hand tied with wrapping and valentines card. </p> -
6 long stem 60cm roses in beautiful glass vase with complimentary foliage.
Dozen Long Stem Roses in Vase
$135.0012 long stem 60cm roses in beautiful glass vase with complimentary foliage. -
12 short stem 30cm roses in beautiful glass vase with complimentary foliage.
Mixed Half Dozen in Vase
$60.00Mixed roses 3 x long stem and 3 x short stem in a beautiful leaf linned glass vase. -
My One and Only
$25.00Say it simply with one gorgeous long stem red rose. Accompanied with greenery and Queen Anne’s lace. This little bunch is absolutely gorgeous for saying things simply. Flowers are subject to seasonal availability. In the event that any of the flowers are unavailable, the florist will substitute with a similar flower in the same shape, style and colour. Stem count, packaging and container may vary. -
Designer Choice Arrangement
$40.00 – $100.00Stuck for what to choose? Want the best flowers of the season? Then let our talented florists take the lead a prepare you something special and unique. We will choose a mixture of the best the season has to offer in order for your arrangement to have the best quality, longest lasting flowers. Flowers will last for approximately 1-2 weeks.